Vicar of Dibley returns as Dawn French reprises her role as Geraldine during lockdown

21 April 2020, 15:16

Vicar of Dibley returns as Dawn French reprises her role as Geraldine during lockdown. Picture: BBC

By Rory O'Connor

Vicar of Dibley fans have been given a first look at the show, set to be revived as part of a fundraiser, as Dawn French revived her character of Geraldine Granger.

Dawn announced the show's comeback earlier this week after being off-air for five years.

Speaking on The One Show, Dawn revealed Geraldine will show what she's been up to while stuck in lockdown.

Dressed as the iconic character, she joked: "Thank goodness for modern technology.

"Last night I had the first meeting of the council connected by an app called Zoom.

"It was the best meeting I had largely because none of the other counsellors know how to get onto Zoom.

"So it was just me, sat on my own – it was just lovely."

Posting on social media, 62-year-old Dawn wrote: "Hmmm. Somethin’ interestin’ this way comes…

"I’m back in the dog collar, back in the vicarage, and back on your telly as part of The Big Night In.

"Be there, or go to hell. Literally. I have some sway."

The actress will make an appearance during the three-hour live stream, which kicks off this Thursday at 7pm.